
    [品    名] 補骨脂提取物 Malaytea Scurfpea Fruit Extract
    [產(chǎn)品來源] 為豆科植物補骨脂Psoralea corylifolia L.的果實。一年生草本,高60~150cm,全株有白色毛及黑褐色腺點。莖直立。葉互生,多為單葉,僅枝端的葉有時側(cè)生1枚小葉;葉片闊卵形至三角狀卵形,長4~9cm,寬3~6cm,先端鈍或圓,基部圓或心形,邊緣有不整齊的鋸齒?;ǘ鄶?shù),密集成近頭狀的總狀花序,腋生;花冠蝶形,淡紫色或白色。莢果近橢圓形,果皮黑色?;ㄆ?~8月,果期9~11月。果實扁腎形,長3~5mm,寬2~4mm,厚約1.5mm。表面黑色、黑褐色或灰褐色,具細微網(wǎng)狀皺紋。質(zhì)硬。氣香,味辛、微苦。秋季果實成熟時割取果穗,曬干,打下果實,生用或鹽水炒用。
    [產(chǎn)品性狀] 本品為黃棕色粉末。
    [藥用部位] 成熟種子   
    [有效成分] 補骨內(nèi)酯分子式C11H6O3;分子量:186.17
    [產(chǎn)品規(guī)格] 提取比例10:1。
    [包裝方法] 常規(guī)內(nèi)雙層塑料袋,外紙板桶(25公斤/桶),可根據(jù)客戶需要協(xié)商小包裝
    [藥理作用] 溫腎助陽,納氣,止瀉。用于陽痿遺精、腰膝冷痛、腎虛作喘、五更泄瀉;白癜風、斑禿。
    ISO9001,Kosher,Organic certificated
    [Product Name]: Malaytea Scurfpea Fruit Extract
    [Botanical Source]: psoralea corylifolia L.
    [Other name]: Fructus psoraleae extract; hokosshi extract
    [Standard Concentrate ratio]: 5:1 or 10:1.
    [Appearance]: Yellow brown fine powder
    [Water]: not more than 5.0%
    [Total ash]: not more than 5.0%
    [Package]: 25/KG per paper drum or packed with little parcel.
    [Others]: Sample/ COA / MSDS are available
    To invigorate the function of the kidney, to alleviate asthma, and to relieve diarrhea. It can also be used as remedy of impotence, seminal emission; enuresis, frequent urination; aching of the loins and knees with cold sensation; asthma in deficiency syndromes of the kidney; diarrhea occurring before dawn daily. External use for vitiligo and alpecia areata.
    [Packing Detail]:
    Net weight: 25Kg per Drum. Packed in two plastic-bags with paper-drum outside Or as per customers request.
    [Storage]:Store in a cool, dry and well-sealed container;Keep away from moisture and strong light/heat.
    [Shelf life]:Two years under specified environment.
    Company: Acetar Bio-Tech Inc.
    Add:  Room No.810, 8F, Block B, Huajing Business Building ,No.20 Fenghui South Road, Xi`an, 710075,China 
    Website Keyword: acetar  
    E-main: envylin@

    產(chǎn)品數(shù)量:10000.00 千克產(chǎn)品規(guī)格:提取比例10:1
    西安天一生物技術有限公司 林木堯先生 業(yè)務經(jīng)理 認證郵箱認證認證 認證 15829757995
    相關產(chǎn)品:植物提取物 葡萄籽提取物
    以上信息由企業(yè)自行發(fā)布,該企業(yè)負責信息內(nèi)容的完整性、真實性、準確性和合法性。免費黃頁網(wǎng)對此不承擔任何責任。 馬上查看收錄情況: 百度 360搜索 搜狗